- We are a group of volunteers working with individuals, businesses, schools, clubs and other community organisations keen to reduce their plastic footprint and promote the mindful use of resources
- We run the Plastic Free Community scheme for the Stroud district – for which we were fully accredited by Surfers Against Sewage in 2020
- We run the Action on Plastic website dedicated to helping communities in Gloucestershire and beyond to reduce disposable plastic. The website provides a wealth of information, including where to shop, how to repair, how to make things at home, upcoming events and more.
- SDAP was awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in July 2022, the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE!
Primary Contact: Claudi Williams on info@actiononplastic.org
Useful Links: facebook instagram twitter Action on Plastic website
This group is for anyone in the Stroud district who wishes to take part in projects that help eliminate unnecessary single-use plastic. We help individuals, businesses, event organisers, shops and market stall holders, cafes, restaurants, pubs, clubs, schools, offices and households to free themselves from reliance on throw-away plastic such as packaging, bags and bottles. and work closely with other local environmental groups and local councils.
- We run the Plastic Free Community scheme for the Stroud district
- We organise the Action on Plastic website – our focus is on providing individuals, organisations and communities with information, ideas, tools and resources to reduce their plastic footprint
- We organise litter picks, talks, demonstration and workshops. Our local volunteer meetings will resume in September 2021 and are held every last Saturday of the month at 1pm at Atelier Stroud, 1st Floor 19A Lower Street.
- We are governed by a constitution with members. Chair: Claudi Williams, Secretary: Chloe Turner, Treasurer: James Millar.

In the beginning of July 2020 we were awarded Plastic Free Community status by marine conservation charity Surfers Against Sewage https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-free-communities/, in recognition of the work our community has done to start reducing the impact of single use plastic on the environment. We are among the first districts to achieve this accreditation, and in gaining it we join a network of communities across the UK who are leading the way to tackle throw away plastic at source.
We are grateful for the support of our principal donors, the Laura Kinsella Foundation and The Summerfield Charitable Trust. A special thank you also goes to the following: Stroud District Council, Stroud Town Council, Transition Stroud and Atelier Stroud, our wonderful steering group members, our flagship businesses – Renishaw plc and Ecotricity – and our Plastic Free Champions.
SDAP in the News: Stroud News & Journal | Gloucestershire Live