Transition Stroud Newsletter Editor Josephine Murray (JM) talks to Victoria Ashcroft (VA) who runs Stroud Yard Trail, the giant annual yard sale, taking place on 29 August.
See below for three things you can do today!
JM: What prompted you to set up Stroud Yard Trail in 2017? What are its aims?
VA: I am a lover of all things second hand and found at the side of the road, or in skips. My Grandad used to bring all sorts of useless stuff back from the tip. I will never forget his footstool made from an old crate and scraps of carpet all tied together with some cable. It was hideous but I loved his imagination and lack of care as to what others thought.
Yard Trail is a mixture of many wonderful things happening on one day. There’s the environmental side of it of course, people selling objects to others, them having a story to go with it, and children being able to sell their old toys, learning about interactions, community, money and how we don’t need things to be new to enjoy them. The main feedback we get each year is the community spirit, having the opportunity to meet your neighbours and get out and explore this beautiful town.
JM: How has the event worked in previous years?
VA: Last year we had over 150 households sign up. We also had ‘Multi Hubs’, where people who live outside the main zone can come and sell. The Crown and Sceptre, Stroud Rugby Club, SpaceHoppers Co working and Stroud Brewery have all offered pitches for the day.
People sell all sorts, from household items, clothes, vintage, car parts, plants, artwork etc, it’s a great eclectic mix, definitely something for everyone.
JM: What are the plan’s for this year’s Stroud Yard Trail on 29 August?
This year we will have the main zone as a downloadable map version, also excitingly we will – fingers crossed – have the app ready which will allow Yard Trail to grow and allow others to join in from further out locations. All thanks to my very clever brother-in-law, Luke. People will be able to register on our website very soon. https://www.yardtrailstroud.co.uk/
JM: Whereabouts do you live?
I live in and love Whiteshill, we’ve been there 13 years. The views are incredible, and we have a great community.
JM: Could you tell us about your working life?
I run SpaceHoppers Co-working in Stroud, and The Throat Pop up Pub in Ruscombe Chapel School Room.
JM: What do you do in your spare time?
I run a Community Singing group called Rusty Chords with a friend on [Thursday nights in Ruscombe Chapel School Room] and I LOVE IT! It’s for people who want to sing but feel they want something relaxed.
Being ADHD, I long for relaxing hobbies, like gardening and reading. With a 3-year-old also in the house maybe my time for hobbies will come in the future! I am recently diagnosed with ADHD. I feel like it’s my super power. I don’t contemplate ideas for too long, It’s more ‘I’ve had an idea, how do I make it happen and fast’. I am terrible at detail and admin, but fortunately I have a great friend, who’s on board for adventures and crazy ideas and she helps with that side of things. So I suppose it’s a case of working out what you’re good at. I spent years wondering why I can’t read long emails, do the admin well, organise my time etc,. Now I feel I can give myself a break and be proud of what I do.
Three Things You Can Do Today 1. Go to those places in your house you put off going to because of the clutter (for me it’s the shed!) 2. Sort through your clothes and really ask yourself do I LOVE it? 3. Get the kids to sort through their clothes and toys. Now you’re ready to sign up for Stroud Yard Trail! |
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If you would like to share your sustainable living story, please contact Josephine on news@transitionstroud.org